Via per Malga Campo
Celentino Val di Peio – Trento
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How to reach Malga Campo?
Before arriving to the village of Celentino in Peio Valley, turn left on the last curve and follow the signs for NestAlp Malga Campo. We are 6 km far from the village.
Along the road (a forest service dirt road), you will find many indications; 1,5 km from NestAlp, in “Località Sant’Antonio” you will find a stop sign, from here is it possible to reach NestAlp Malga Campo on foot (approx.25 minutes)
Guests who are carrying baggage can proceed to parking area, which is located 100 meters before the building.
Once you arrive, you will receive a forest service permit for parking and passage.
The road is passable by most types of cars, always at low speed, except for sport cars.